View source: Template

The HTML for this page is generated by the template blog.php.

All templates can be found in the /site/templates folder.

To learn more about Kirby’s templates, please check out our docs:

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<?php snippet('blog/header') ?>

<header class="h1">
	<?php if (empty($tag) === false): ?>
		<small>Tag:</small> <?= esc($tag) ?>
		<a href="<?= $page->url() ?>">&times;</a>
	<?php else: ?>
	<h1><?= $page->heading()->escape() ?></h1>
	<?php if ($page->subheading()->isNotEmpty()): ?>
	<p><small><?= $page->subheading()->escape() ?></small></p>
	<?php endif ?>
	<?php endif ?>

<ul class="grid">
	<?php foreach ($articles as $article): ?>
	<li class="column" style="--columns: 4">
			<?php snippet('blog/excerpt', ['article' => $article]) ?>
	<?php endforeach ?>

<?php snippet('blog/pagination', ['pagination' => $articles->pagination()]) ?>

<?php snippet('blog/footer') ?>